Mama and Ms.Carla are SUPER proud of me...and I sure am proud of myself!!!
This Isabel she is soooo smart..Mama has known Isabel since she was 2.
This is Elise with Ms.Carla jumping into the deep end..then Elise jumped off the diving board!!!
This is Isabel diving off the board and then swimming doing back strokes...she is sooo cool!!
Elise is sure proud of me.. she tells me "Ethan I am right behind you" you are doing great!
Well, today has been long day for Mama and I. I had a hearing test...and I passed. Then we went to Hippo and then to swimming. It was sure hot when I was riding Magic..but Ms. Anna's pool cooled me off. I love swimming with Isabel and Elise they are the BEST!!!
****I have decided to give up naps this week and it has been a adjustment for Mama. This is how it goes I get up between 630-7am and I go to bed at 645pm...and I sleep ALL really my Mama has nothing to complain about, she just needs to go to bed earlier!!
*****EXCITING ultrasound and urodynmaics test came back wonderfully. The DR. said that I have the MOST healthiest kidneys in the must be all the water/cranberry juice I drink.