Where do I begin???? In the last month, I have dislocated my knee once again and we be having surgery on the 23rd of this month!! Merry X-mas to ME!!! Luckily, my Mother and my in-laws (Fleet and Terry) were able to take care of Ethan while Dr. Anna took care of me at Harris Downtown Fort Worth..while at the same time my wonderful husband was hunting in Okla. and rushed home to make it at 1 am on Sunday!! So please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!! I will need them! I am trying to learn how to let people help me....it is very hard for me I think I got this bad gene from both of my parents.
On a happier note...Ethan is a WALKING, RUNNING crazy man. He loves to be outside..it does not matter if it 20 degrees outside. He has become the average 3 year old. It was the coolest thing when I actually had to hold his hand and walk him out of a store..mind u he is holding and walking with his walker at the same time. I am a firm believer not to make scences at a store..but let me tell u people were amazed that a child in a walker could put up such a fight and be happy once u got him walking again on the sidewalk. Ethan has amazed his dad and I soooo much.