Thursday, May 14, 2009

Texas Rangers....1st game for ME!!!

Last night, Mom and Dad took me to a Texas Rangers Game and I HAD A BLAST! I took a late nap so that I could stay up alittle later. We had such a great time. I was PERFECT! Saying "hi" and telling everyone that "I am 3". Mr. Pachis got us the a BIG THANK YOU to him. Mama and I met some baseball agents and family members of the players. We were super excited. Dad said we will definitely go to some more games this season. We were there actually for the opening pitch....good timing Mama. We left at the 7th inning and I was in bed by 945pm! And I even made it to school today!Next week, we plan to go to the horse races...with Fleetie and Grandoa Terry!

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